Starts 7pm P / 10pm E
Halo 3 is free on the Xbox 360 this month and the population is kicking. Tonight we’re gathering a group to come play on quality Forge maps from some of the favorites we’ve been seeing create in Halo 4, who’ve been doing it since Forge was introduced. Come join in on the fun and see how it all started.
Please know you will be in the company of “play hard, play fun” adults, and if you are not an adult we ask that you take our lead and behave accordingly. Anyone being disruptive to the mood of the party will be asked to remedy their behavior and if they do not they will be immediately removed from the party. All skill levels are welcome.
To join in on the fun, send a text message on LIVE the day of the lobby to: **
AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (the “0″ is a zero)
and I’ll shoot out invites in order received as spots open up in the party.
Party goers who RSVP via Halo Customs get sent invites before other anonymous requests. You can RSVP at Halo Customs here.
Once I’ve sent invites to all requests, I will open the party. Feel free at any time to use the chat invite trick: Send me a chat invite, then access my profile via the invite. If the option exists to join I’ve opened the party and there is room so jump on in!
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