Halo Diehards members babe ruthlessx0, Aimless Gohan, Wuzz Ranger and I went into Tyrant, one of Halo 5’s newest Arena multiplayer maps, a few days ago after a game. We went through the map to learn jumps that will help us navigate more efficiently in the heat of battle. I recorded the session so we could share what we found.
If my recent article “Developing Halo 5 Strongholds Team Strategies” was too lengthy for your tastes, there is now a video voiceover version! Gameplay is of another Strongholds on Overgrowth four-view, but this time we’re using the strategies to secure a win.
Reviewing gameplay videos is a great way to get better at any game. In this video watch BigBadMike, Wuzz Ranger, SILENT EVIL 74 and me play a game of Halo 5 Strongholds on Overgrown. Check out our team strategy, and learn what we can do to make it even better next time around.
Rowboat 000 comes through again, sharing Halo 5 tips and tricks with his friends. He taught me how to jump into the bases on the multiplayer map Truth, and I wanted to pass that onto you, so I made this little video to guide you through it.
Wuzz Ranger asked if I am using bumper jumper. Yes, I am, and this is definitely more difficult without it…
Learn how to tell where the enemy is on the Halo 5 map Truth by the telltale signs in this video created by Halo Diehards member Wuzz Ranger. Special thanks to rowboat 000 for bringing this to my attention and Wuzz for making the video!
Evil Geniuses’ Ryan Towey walks us through Halo 5’s Multiplayer map, Truth, a Midship remake. With new abilities and spawn systems, learn ways to navigate this map as Ryan demonstrates, joined by fellow teammates Snipedown and Lunchbox.
A new game brings fresh characters and backdrops for creatives to produce machinima, but Destiny doesn’t make it easy, it’s screen packed to the gills with information. Recently I got an idea for a humorous one, and I had some ideas but wanted to see what others were doing to pull it off. Ledianol paves the way into Destiny machinima with this video of how to maximize the best screen coverage without hud, weapons and gamertags. The video also shows some pretty resourceful tips and tricks on how to capture the best shots, including an easy way to edit out the gamertags. I wanted to make sure I spread the word, so check it out!
How to Film a Destiny Machinima (Tutorial)
by Lediandol
Do you have any fun ideas for Destiny or Halo machinima but don’t have the means to pull it off?Talk to CHa0s!Maybe we can make your story into a reality.