About Us

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Halo Diehards is a diverse community of gamers who share in common an enjoyment of the Halo games and their related content. The goal of Halo Diehards is for members to meet and interact, and to bring together like-minded gamers to increase the quality of their game play and meet awesome new friends. Everyone 18+ years of age with a love of Halo is welcome in our Xbox Live Group, and the sharing of quality Halo content is encouraged. At this time, members are active in Halo 5, Destiny 2 and Battlefield 1.


Interested in getting to know Diehards? Search “Halo Diehards” in Xbox Live groups, and contact AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (the “0” is a zero) on live, introducing yourself.


You can also find us on:


Halo Diehards Twitch >>


Halo Diehards Mixer (Beam) >>


Halo Diehards Twitter >>


Halo Diehards FaceBook >>



Play hard, fight fair, persevere.




Halo Diehards is not affiliated with Bungie, Xbox, Microsoft or 343. The opinions expressed here are of each author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the website as a whole.

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