Watch the creation from start to finish of an intensely detailed needler designed by master craftsman Volpin, complete with lights and glowing needles. Tis a thing of supreme beauty… See the Official article on Building the Halo Needler here >> Check out Volpin Props Portfolio here >> Source: Thanks to Revanent1988 for the find, HBO ( Forums
Category: Blow Your Mind

HaloCraft: Heart of the Swarm
crazedone1988 makes some pretty cool Halo mashups, as well as other videos, and this time around he’s remade the StarCraft II trailer, scene for scene, using Halo video. Check out the two videos below, followed by a link to VideoDoubler, where you can watch them side by side. HaloCraft: Heart of the Swarm Vengeance Trailer – StarCraft II: Heart of…

Playtime Season 4 Underway
Follow likeable best-friend Spartans Warren and Cobra as they navigate humorously through one of life’s interesting predicaments: who gets the girl. Created by Nevin Douglas of CruelLEGACY Productions, Playtime takes the Spartans and environments we know from Halo:REACH and Halo 4 and let’s us dive in deeper with rich color and effects such as weather and night time. If you…

Volition – Halo 4 Trick Jumping [video]
This spectacular video by ReiKo of JumprsOfficial features good music and mind-blowing jumps. Whaddya waitin’ for? Push play! Via HBO.

Remember Reach – A Halo Rube Goldberg machine
Impressive… but you are not a Jedi yet! No, I take that back: you, sir, are indeed a Jedi.