Trash talking ban? Yeah, it’s happening.

Cortana out of control.

Halo 4’s Cortana out of control.

In New Jersey, starting this fall, a “trash-talk ban” is going into affect that will hold athletic teams in more than 400 schools to anti-bullying laws that are in place.

Comments in a negative light about gender, race, religion, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation towards officials, opponents or spectators won’t be allowed. Referees will be responsible for catching the behavior and players could be suspended from future games, or even investigated by the attorney general’s civil rights division.

In the light of recent deaths and suicides related to bullying, it’s not surprising to see societies going this route.

Today, voice recognition software is used regularly by governments and investigation agencies around the world to identify people by what they are saying. There also has exists for many years the ability for software to recognize specific words, and begin recording if those words were spoken. I wonder if some day in the future online gaming will be a less hostile and abusive environment, with software built into the games that catch inappropriate behavior and instantly temp ban the perp.

That’s just scary and weird to think about.

Unfortunately, the world is full of asshats, and there exists many wonderful people who are greatly harmed by others’ cruelties and dominating behavior, and for those less inclined to be abused, it takes a lot of energy to maintain an inner calm in the face of douchebaggery. If people just “behaved themselves” and acted like adults, teaching their children to do likewise, policies like these wouldn’t even be necessary. It would be nice to be surrounded by rational, reasonable, nice people, both in real life and online. Why does it seem ridiculous to imagine this, that this is not even possible?

The author at the news source for this story believes that “trash talk” is justifiable mental warfare for competitive events and seems to think it gives the talker some sort of inner strength that perhaps can’t be achieved in some other way. What do you think?


Read more at the source: MSN

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