343i Turns Blind Eye to Halo 4 Modded Customs


Unofficially, Frank O’Connor has released Halo 4 gamers from the fear that a modded gametype will accidentally get uploaded into their fileshare and result in a ban or other punishments.

Since Halo 4 modded maps and gametypes are virtually indistinguishable to the untrained eye, many custom games hosts have expressed concern about saving them, and many gamers fear playing them, fearing that there could be repercussions. In this video, Frank is asked about modded customs and replies that until they cause a problem people not only can play them, they can put them into their fileshares.

So if you didn’t know, there are a TON of modded gametypes out there, from Race to 1-Flag, to gametypes that mimic other games like Call of Duty. This is great news for gamers who have been missing gametypes that weren’t included in Halo 4. Game on!


Source: HBO Forums (halo.bungie.org)

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