War Games Grifball Gets a Makeover

Grifball 75 by LGNoble20

Grifball 75 by LGNoble20

This week’s Halo 4 Matchmaking Update includes changes made to Grifball and Regicide.

Complex is being removed from the Regicide playlist and the maps Landfall, Dispatch, Simplex and Scythe are being added into the rotation. Also, the king’s bounty has been changed to always be 20 points and will no longer be increased according to reign and kills.

The Grifball playlist has been changed and is now using the same settings developed by the GrifballHub community and the Grifball courts have been repaired of known glitches and “exploitable areas”.

Both Grifball and Grifball Pro share the same settings for shields, damage settings and radar. Grifball continues with one round and auto pick-up, but Grifball Pro will have five rounds, no auto pick-up.

As previously discussed, Multi-Team now takes 500 points to win, instead of the 300 points that resulted in games ending too soon.

Happy with the changes? Wish something was different? Go give yer feedback in Waypoint’s War Games Feedback Section >>

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