Prometheans in Halo 4 Fileshare at Waypoint


Promethean by X Revelation X

What’s this? Promethean Knights are making an appearing in the Halo Waypoint fileshare system? But how, when there is no Theater Mode in Halo 4? The answer lies in the creation of a mod by Lord Zedd, who has used it to record footage from campaign and has even put the film in his fileshare for proof. See some of the video footage below. User beware if you do decide to download the film: putting clips or screenshots in your fileshare could potentially lead to a ban, since this is modded content.

The full downloaded film makes it clear why Theater Mode was not included in Halo 4, as it doesn’t always function as it should. But this short clip gives a taste of what we’re missing, and reminds us of how Halo 4 has gone backwards in time by giving less user functionality than previous installments.

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