Josh Holmes to hold Game Bootcamp at ViewConference

Wednesday, October 17th, Italy’s VIEW Conference will have a seven hour session with Josh Holmes, Creative Director of Halo 4, in a “Game Design Bootcamp”. Participants will be divided into teams and walked through a process where they will design, build, and “pitch” their game.

Teams will design a conventional (board game, card game, etc) game that can be played by up to five players in less than fifteen minutes. Materials will be provided for the creation of the games, along with some simple guidelines that are to be followed.

As with production of any product, there will be random unknown events that participants will have to figure out how to work around. Once the games are completed, each team will pitch their game to the rest of the Bootcamp members, followed by playtesting.

Prizes will be awarded to teams as winners are chosen in different categories.

The Bootcamp will help illustrate the importance of collaboration and rapid prototyping in game development, as well as make clear the need to quickly adapt to roadblocks in the process of meeting a deadline.

Space is limited to 30 participants.

For more information: is a Partner of View Conference. For more information about VIEW Conference, visit the official VIEW Conference website or check out the article here at Halo Diehards.

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