Clan Filter Application: Halo Diehards

The cold, hard world of Randoms can beat the mercenary gamer into a shocked disbelief that community gaming is possible. Here we hope to gesture toward a light at the end of the tunnel of Random hell, and provide a life-line into that colorful and often richly rewarding world. Read more about Clan Filter here, submit your clan to Clan Filter here or Take the Test.



Halo Diehards

Official Clan Website:

Clan Thread at HD:


What is your clan’s policy on tbagging/trashtalking?

…..[] Members can freely tbag

…..[x] Our members tbag occasionally

…..[x] We have a no-tbagging policy


Check all that can describe your clan:

…..[x] We are a competitive clan and train as a team

…..[x] We are semi-competitive and play to win

…..[] We are a casual, fun based clan


What is the age-range for members in your clan?:

Attitude and maturity is more important than age. Halo Diehards members are well-behaved, have good sportsmanship, and are easy to be around.


(check all that apply)

We are looking for members that play:

competitively ——–[x]
semi-competitively — [x]
casually ————-[]
mostly fun customs – []


We especially need members that are:

team player – [x]
slayer ——– [x]
objective —- [x]
driver ——— [x]
other ——— [x] :


Our members use communication/callouts:

regularly —– [x]
occasionally – []
rarely ——— []


We practice regularly:

yes —– [x] *
no —— []
only for matches —– []


Please describe for us what membership in your clan entails. Include anything you would want in an advertisement for your clan. Detail any events or weekly game nights you have and/or any other things of interest your members might be involved in in the Halo community, as well as expectations you have of your members. Add anything else you are proud of or would like us to know.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 900 x 563)
Halo Diehards is building a team that will meet weekly to learn and develop strategies and skills that will greatly improve competitive Halo team play. Solid team players practiced in callouts and serious enough about the game to be willing to commit to regular practices and stratwork are encouraged to apply. Sessions will include map walk-throughs, strategy training and development, and drills, as well as team practice in matchmaking and scrims. Members must be able to take direction, receive and give constructive feedback, and have a positive attitude towards their teammates.

Plans for the future include the possibility of video-capturing sessions of strats proven in the field, to put on YouTube and the Halo Diehards website for gaming communities and individuals across the Halo-verse to use for training purposes.


FoF tag: AA HaloDiehards

Halo Diehard’s FaceBook page.


* Regular practices will begin once we have a full roster committed to team practices. Ask CHa0s for current status.

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