Clan Filter Application: Kings of Pain aka KOP

The cold, hard world of Randoms can beat the mercenary gamer into a shocked disbelief that community gaming is possible. Here we hope to gesture toward a light at the end of the tunnel of Random hell, and provide a life-line into that colorful and often richly rewarding world. Read more about Clan Filter here, submit your clan to Clan Filter here or Take the Test.



Kings of Pain Gaming


Kings of Pain

Official Clan Website: http://www.k0p-clan.comthat’s a zero not the letter “o”


What is your clan’s policy on tbagging/trashtalking?

…..[] Members can freely tbag

…..[x] Our members tbag occasionally – we don’t start it, but will respond if provoked…lol

…..[] We have a no-tbagging policy


Check all that can describe your clan:

…..[] We are a competitive clan and train as a team

…..[x] We are semi-competitive and play to win

…..[x] We are a casual, fun based clan


What is the age-range for members in your clan?:
No specific age range, but this is a mature group, so I would say 18+


We are looking for members that play:

competitively ——– []
semi-competitively — [x]
casually ————-[x]
mostly fun customs – [x]


We especially need members that are:

team player – [x]
slayer ——- [x]
objective —- [x]
driver ——- [x]
other ——- [x]


Our members use communication/callouts:

regularly —– [x]
occasionally – []
rarely ——- []


We practice regularly:

yes —– [x] well, if “practice” includes, weekly Group Nights, then yes
no —— []
only for matches —– []


The KOP is more concerned with providing a fun atmosphere where skilled and casual players can have a good time. We are more of a casual group but we do have some very good players. However, if you are a tryhard, the KOP may not be for you.

We have weekly Group Nights that are open to members and non-members. We play customs and matchmaking. We just ask people to come with an open mind and ready to have fun.

Please check our site if you have any questions.

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