
  • CHa0s wrote a new post 7 years, 10 months ago

    It felt so wrong. All he was doing was sitting on a cliff, admiring the view, singing a little song to himself, when all of a sudden some asshole came along and…

    HD Clip Chips – It Felt So Wrong

  • CHa0s posted in the topic Que Paso in the forum Introduce yourself 7 years, 12 months ago

    Right on, will do! Hopefully I can start to compile a list of which Halo Diehards Company members prefer running 4’s, so we can all find each other! I’ve got a list up at Halo Waypoint in our Company forums. Will try to copy/paste it over here too, when I get the chance.

  • Hi, Siren, welcome to Halo Diehards! Ok, I was wondering if that was you. I’ll accept your application when I get back over on Waypoint :)

  • Spartan Company Bio:

    IMPORTANT: Halo Diehards is an adult Spartan Company. We ask that all new members be of the age of 25 and up. Please mention you are 25 or older in your Join Request to verify, along with a description of yourself. (If you do not fit this requirement, you can join our secondary Company, HaloDiehards2.)

    Requirements:…[Read more]

  • PS: I’m working on a Ridgeline remake, which reminds me of you, since Anniversary Map Pack is all you’d want to play ;)

  • w0rm said
    I’ve not touched forge outside of playing btb. Not in favor of there not being a single developer made btb map.   

    Agreed. Makes them feel cheap, regardless of whatever bells and whistles they’re adding. And most of the forged shite they have in there is bulky, and extremely unattractive.

    Also very annoying is in every gametype th…[Read more]

  • CHa0s posted in the topic What’s up everyone in the forum Introduce yourself 8 years ago

    Hi, Griff! Welcome to Halo Diehards.


    Tell ya what, why don’t you join us on a Monday with the Creative Customs group, and let’s get some games in. Then we can go from there! Monday customs start at 5pm P/8pm E and run for at least a couple hours. Any time during, you can send a message to AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (“0” is a zero) or o Nondual o and…[Read more]

  • Hey, Solo, welcome to Halo Diehards, and welcome to our Halo Spartan Company! Thanks for sending a friend request and posting an intro. Hope to get some games in soon!

  • Forge is absofuckinglutely amazing! They just keep adding more and more fantastic features. Blows my mind. That alone impresses the shit out of me. I may have to revisit my nasty ‘tude towards 343…

  • CHa0s posted an update 8 years ago

    @slammin Resistance is futile.

  • Hello, any member age 25 or older can apply for membership of the HaloDiehards Spartan Company on Halo Waypoint at this url:

    Be sure to write a short note, so I know who you are! Anyone else following that url, best to state your age in the request or greatly lessens your chance…[Read more]

  • Hello, Matt, Welcome! As described, the Monday night customs are 18 years of age and older. Currently, the age requirement for HaloDiehards Spartan Company is 25 years of age or older. I definitely recognize your gamertag, but I’m not sure if your application has been deleted or not at the HaloDiehards Spartan Company at Halo Waypoint. We’ve had…[Read more]

  • Hey, Matt, thanks for your interest! Send me a message on Xbox Live and we can hash it out. GT: AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (the “0” is a zero).

  • Hello, and welcome to Halo Diehards. Here is a place to connect with fellow gamers who are looking for the same online experiences as you. Feel free to copy the template below and use it in your introduction:


    Your gamertag:

    Describe your gamerskill:

    What are your favorite game modes? (ie: Arena, BTB, Warzone, customs, etc):

    What…[Read more]

    • Hello, I would like to join. My rank is 46 atm and I like all settings but breakout. My favorite is Warzone and SWAT, but I am still up for learning and honing my skills. I would like to play more as a cooperative team.

  • CHa0s wrote a new post 8 years, 1 month ago


    Hello fellow gamers of the Haloverse! I would like to invite casual-competitive adults that are easy to get along with to join us with Creative Customs in map testing fun and shenanigans on Monday […]

    • I want to apply for membership as well as join in the Mon night activities. I like swat, all warzones, pretty much all of it except for breakout. I am on quite a bit and am a great shot. I hope to get more teamwork activities and make some acquaintances. My current rank is 45. Thanks for your time.

      • CHa0s replied 8 years ago

        Hello, Matt, Welcome! As described, the Monday night customs are 18 years of age and older. Currently, the age requirement for HaloDiehards Spartan Company is 25 years of age or older. I definitely recognize your gamertag, but I’m not sure if your application has been deleted or not at the HaloDiehards Spartan Company at Halo Waypoint. We’ve had such a huge amount of requests lately that if someone doesn’t give their age at request, they’re being rejected.

    • CHa0s replied 8 years ago

      Hey, Matt, thanks for your interest! Send me a message on Xbox Live and we can hash it out. GT: AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (the “0” is a zero).

    • Hello I am interested in joining you spartan company. I play mostly nights 7pm until 10pm. I am a family man with 1 son and I am 31 years old. I am a competitive player but also like to have fun on firefight and social playlists. My gamertag is MAESTROJAVI. My K/D is about 3.5 I believe. Can’t remember off the top of my head. Hope to here from you.

      • CHa0s replied 8 years ago

        Hello, any member age 25 or older can apply for membership of the HaloDiehards Spartan Company on Halo Waypoint at this url:

        Be sure to write a short note, so I know who you are! Anyone else following that url, best to state your age in the request or greatly lessens your chance at being accepted.

        I’ve set up a secondary Company, called HaloDiehards2 for all ages. You can do a search for it at Halo Waypoint and hit the join button.

  • CHa0s wrote a new post 8 years, 1 month ago

    Monolith was one of my favorite Halo 4 Multiplayer maps, and one I couldn’t stop thinking about forging, so here it is! I did my best to make Monolith clean and true.



    You can now bookmark Halo 5 ma […]

  • Dude! How did you get so many views so quick?!

  • Vicious! I guess you’re living up to your name cool1_gif

  • CHa0s wrote a new post 8 years, 2 months ago

    You can now save Halo 5 custom Forge map bookmarks directly from Halo Waypoint to your Xbox One!
    Empathy Download link

    Halo 4’s Solace was one of my all-time favorite maps. I love the way it looked, the […]

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