
Welcome to HaPPy-SplunksCo’s Halo 5 videos!


HaPPy-SplunksCo is c0-hosted by Spalunking01 and HaPPyxShOtZ. We make Halo highlights and specialised vehicle/weapon montages for fun :)




Newest Content

This 30 minute video showcases HaPPy-SplunksCo’s year in 2016. Watch how we started, see how our editing skills evolved over time with great feedback. We also show off our small claim to fame. Thankyou to those who have supported us and continue to do so. 




Recent Videos

Mid October Highlights:

Assassination Montage:


If you have any questions, requests or feedback for us, please don’t hesitate to send via our Youtube and Facebook pages. You can also message us on Xbox @ GTs Spalunking01 or HaPPyxShOtZ


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Featured content

 Halo 5 Firefight Splatter Montage:


Late August Highlights:


Hog Wild Montage:


Stabby McStabstab – A Bayonet Montage:


Halo 5 Second Montage


Check out some of our playlists –


Highlights Playlist:


HaPPy-SplunksCo Montages:


For more, remember to visit our YouTube channel for our latest videos!

Halo Diehards were nice enough to give us a space to share our content, we are thankful for the support and we hope to bring you some quality entertainment.

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