
  • w0rm replied to the topic What’s ticking you off about Halo:REACH today? in the forum Timmy’s Playground 11 years, 11 months ago

    @Yukon46 wrote:

    What everyone else said….plus

    I do not like all the different settings, guess I still just like stock stuff !
    I played a couple thousand games with stock stuff….I prefer to play
    with those settings, until I stop paying Halo Reach.

    I dont agree with all the different blooms, speed settings….etc.. etc..
    Just makes the game feel weird to me….I for one wish it was never messed with !!

    The only games in MM with different speeds are:

    Anni Classic: 120 speed
    MLG: 120 speed
    BTB Heavies: 110 speed

    I prefer a faster movement speed. Default Reach moves too slow.

    I’m a CE purist, so I guess that may have something to do with me tending to gravitate and prefer games with faster movement; like Anni Cassic and the CGL/MLG-like customs that we play. I find them more challenging and punishing. Increased challenge = more fun, IMO.

    I partially agree with TU vs Vanilla. All of the standard playlists should operate under the same rules. 343 should have implemented the TU across the entire game, or not at all. Since the TU beta hopper, I’m of the opinion that TU Reach is a superior game to that of Bungie’s Reach, and is the game I wish Reach had been from the beginning.

    I don’t think there’s any question that Bungie alienated a lot of long time Halo fans with Reach.

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