
  • w0rm replied to the topic Halo 4 Discussion – News (possible spoilers…) in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago

    @CHa0s wrote:

    I guess there’s no secondary weapon icon on your screen in Halo 4. People are upset. Other people are saying they never even noticed.

    I’m watching a video and am not sure if I missed it before or if it’s new information, but we will have auto-turrets in Halo 4 like CoD, at least in Dominion game type. And, like CoD, we’ll get a replay of how we died.

    Some of the screenshots look sort of hazy, like either the lighting washes out the details sometimes, the angle of the camera and lighting, or maybe particulate in the air (like dust or explosion smoke or whatever). Some of the screenies look very vivid and “Halo-like”, others are somewhat less colorful. I can’t wait to play this damn game and really check it out. Some of the screenshots are just amazing. If you haven’t seen the new ones, you can catch some ’em here with links to more at Waypoint at the bottom of that page.

    The haze has got to be the quality of the video taken. Halo 4 looks amazing in the better vids. Gone is that fuzzy filter of Reach, which they used to make the game look gritty. I’m looking forward to a more colorful Halo.

    @CHa0s wrote:

    Oh gawd, still checking out videos (they’ll be up in a post at Halo Diehards in a few minutes here) my stomach is actually sick with how much this is looking like CoD… :( If I wanted to be playing CoD, I would have been playing CoD… :(

    I’m hoping that all these perks, specializations, and loadouts are as suppplemental to gameplay as people who have played the game, say they are. AA’s dominated Reach gameplay, and not in a good way.

    I still don’t understand the CoD-ing of the franchise. People either didn’t play or left Reach early beacuse of bad mechanics, TERRIBLE maps, and the very limited CoD influence such, as loadouts and sprint. Had Reach played more like a traditional Halo game, I doubt you would have seen the mass exodus of the old school Halo base. Though, to be fair, each Halo game has had its share of defectors (I left when Halo 2 was released).

    Aside from the CoD effect, my biggest concern is maps. They all look huge, even the ones they say are meant for competitive 4 v 4. Yes, you can sprint quickly back into battle, but if the maps weren’t so big, sprint wouldn’t be necessary. Does sprint really add anything to gameplay when its primary use is running back into battle?

    Almost forgot… the shield regeneration field is back, and you don’t have to worry about it spawning on the snipe tower because you can drop it at just about any time you want. Ugh.

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