
  • w0rm replied to the topic June Matchmaking Playlist Update in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 11 months ago

    @EdieKaye wrote:

    @w0rm wrote:

    – Synapse: Carney holes fixed.

    What’s a Carney hole??

    Carney Holes are places on maps which give you an extreme advantage in certain situations. These may be small caches of weapons/grenades, great sniper spots, places to hide, etc etc. The exact definition varies from person to person. Normally any place where people don’t look, can’t get to, or won’t find you at could be a Carney Hole. In a Carney Hole you should be able to remain there without being detected. They should be generally hard to access and can provide lots of opportunities for carnage. In some cases Carney Holes are more of weapons stashes and secret hide outs, but it is a special place where it helps greatly to be there.

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