Category: Special Interest

Articles and information on Halo related projects and other miscellaneous not covered in other categories.

It’s not Halo, but damn it’s cool! Laser Data & Energy Transmission

When Apollo 8 captured the first “Earth rise” from the moon in 1968, it took days for the footage to reach Earth so the crew could share it with the world. Using lasers, hundreds of such images could be sent to Earth from that distance every second. The Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration (LLCD) is a NASA project that was built…

It’s not Halo, but damn it’s cool! Space Exploration Map

“Fifty Years of Exploration” is a poster created by Sean McNaughton and Samuel Velesco. It depicts every space mission that mankind has embarked upon up to 2008 (when the poster was created). It’s been around for awhile and the map is not to scale, but it’s new to my eyes and simply fantastic to gaze upon. Enjoy! Thanks, @Kris_Tribal, for…

It’s not Halo, but damn it’s cool! Gaia Mission

You know that feeling you get when you watch the best space sci-fi’s? That feeling that you are a mere speck in a vast universe of possibilities, filled with color, and alien landscapes and adventure? Mankind sits on the doorway of discovering fantasy-made-real, in exploring our universe, and Gaia is the next step in that direction. Imagine having a camera…

It’s not Halo, but damn it’s cool! Graphene

Holy shiznit! Nano-medicine by 2030? One molecule layer thick air and water-tight sealants? If you haven’t heard of graphene, discovered in 2004, now’s the time to check it out in this video by DNews. Check out our other “It’s not Halo, but damn it’s cool!” articles to get caught up on more proof that ‘The Future is Now’.

It’s not Halo, but damn it’s cool! Cassini & Saturn

Did you know there has been a robotic spaceship orbiting Saturn since 2004? Cassini has been tasked with studying Saturn, otherwise known as “The Jewel of the Solar System”, and after viewing images taken by Cassini, there’s not doubt that the planet lives up to it’s name. We received new images from Cassini last Thursday. See Saturn in all it’s…

It’s not Halo, but damn it’s cool! “Homemade Bionics”

Remember when we covered the 3D printers? Halo Diehards News Team member, EdieKaye, posted a newslink this morning that shows the extent these nifty gadgets can be used to change people’s lives. Apparently, it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to get a prosthesis that would allow a boy without fingers to have a functional hand, but today a…

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