Category: Halo: Master Chief Collection


#ThrowbackThursday – “A Brief History of Halo”


A Brief History of Halo, backstory story


Catch up with the Halo back story with Urban Reflex’s “A Brief History of Halo” series. Urban sums up the backstory in a clean, linear fashion, great for catching up on events leading up to Halo 4 before Halo: The Master Chief Collection hits!

Prt 1 – A Brief History of Halo: Mantle

Prt 2 – A Brief History of Halo: Mendicant

Prt 3 – A Brief History of Halo: Reclaimers

Prt 4 – A Brief History of Halo: Great Journey

Prt 5 – A Brief History of Halo: Schism


Halo: Master Chief Collection for Dummies – Combat Evolved Weapons

The following series of articles gives a recap and brings new players up to speed on the weapons, vehicles, abilities, and spawn systems and strategy in multiplayer of Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4. Due to the sheer volume of information, some subjects were chosen according to how much they vary from game to game, to better…

Xbox One Presents Challenges for eSports


Halo: The Master Chief Collection to be used for competitive, eSports

Halo: The Master Chief Collection releases November 11th, 2014. In a few measly months, gamers will have the chance to see what Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and Halo 3 was meant to look like by the artists who worked hard to create the visuals, since the original Xbox and Xbox 360 were not equipped to fully display the code that was written for them.

The Master Chief Collection will be released on the Xbox One only, and the buzz is getting louder in the diehard Halo community as people remember what it was like to compete in and watch tourneys of truly well-balanced, competitive shooters.

Leagues are being set up across the globe in anticipation, requiring vast amounts of man hours and resources to accomplish, in order to give the people what they have been craving for so many years: The active return of Halo to eSports.


Halo 2: Anniversary Trailer Means One Thing

So, the new Halo 2: Anniversary Cinematic Trailer came out today, and I just watched it. A lot of things went through my mind and emotions as the trailer played.

First, I began to reminisce of my journeys through the campaigns, the awe I had at the Halo story and the artistry and the all-immersive experience of it. I remembered thinking, “Why do the cutscenes look soooo bad, when there are CGA movies out that are so badass?”.

As I watched Chief strangling the Prophet in the trailer (hey, you know that’s what you really wanted, too), I realized one thing: I really, REALLY want to own and play the Master Chief Collection!!

I miss the things that made me love the game and franchise, and I could imagine reliving them… better. But will they really be better? And is it worth a whopping $400-$500 (the purchase of the Xbone) to find out?

These are questions I must work out in my own time, especially as I realize that the same drive that makes me want MCC, that collection of games that I truly loved, only makes sense if that $400-$500 goes towards playing the continuation of the series which I most certainly have not.

All that aside, one thing and one thing alone is crystal clear after I watch the trailer. It is a thought I’ve had before, and it comes to mind fresh and screaming as a newborn babe….


Missed the trailer? Check it out now.

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