Tag: instructional

Wraith Splatter Trick

0IAH is one of the best, if not the best, sources for fresh and consistent Halo gaming news right now. Today, he explains some wraith mechanics, how to avoid being killed by a wraith splatter, and how to increase the success of your wraith splatters when you’re the driver in the following video. Don’t forget to “like” YouTube videos you…

All About the New Halo 4 Game Mode: Conversion

The Psycho Duck and Flying Shoe ILR of TheHaloForgeEpidemic have been working on a new Halo 4 gametype since last year and it’s finally ready to share with the world! Here we will explain exactly what Conversion is and show their video tuts that explain step-by-step how to set it up in Halo 4 Forge. Conversion is a custom game…

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