Category: Welcome to Halo Diehards

Questions? Comments? Submissions?

Feel free to leave questions, comments, suggestions and submissions on this page in the comments area below, or follow this link to the Official thread in our Forums. If you aren’t registered it’s easy to login with Social Login, using one of your existing social accounts (see right sidebar). You can also send CHa0s or HD Admin a message through…

Halo Diehards Wanted: Learn and develop team strategy

artwork by Gekko3309 Halo Diehards is building a team that will meet weekly to learn and develop strategies and skills that will greatly improve competitive Halo team play. Solid team players practiced in callouts and serious enough about the game to be willing to commit to regular practices and stratwork are encouraged to apply. Sessions will include map walk-throughs, strategy…

Welcome to Halo Diehards – The Journey

7/24/12 10:47pm Some interesting developments in the last month. Halo 4 News breaks peaked, exploding with information overload, and now has devolved into less than a trickle of new content. More Halo artists have written in with answers to interview questions, and three have gone up so far. Work has started on creating a strategy team, as well as talk…

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