Category: Award Winning Screenshots

From the Eyes of xDrummerWorldx

xDrummerWorldx has a new batch of Halo 4 images out, and as always a few surprise the viewer that you can get that visual effect in-game. Check out some of the best below, followed by a link to his fileshare and Halo Diehards Spotlight.


(click to view full-size)









Take me to xDrummerWorldx’s File Share at Halo Waypoint >>

Take me to Halo Diehards Spotlight: xDrummerWorldx >>

Halo 4 Photographer Spotlight: Azpekt297

It’s great to see the creative visuals artists come up with using Halo screenshots. Today, a screenshot artist brought himself to my attention on Twitter – well, I’d already seen some of his work, I just didn’t realize it was the same guy until I got to looking. He’s also been featured on Waypoint and by 0lah. Keep an eye…

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