Tag: weapon

Screenshot of the Week: Honorable Mentions

Often when viewing images for Screenshot of the Week, I see several that are striking or that move me in some way, that catch my interest and show that the photo-taker has a talented eye, a “feel” for the thing. Sometimes there is a screenshot that screams louder to be chosen. Sometimes I pass them on to give another author…

Time Lapse Needler Replica

Watch the creation from start to finish of an intensely detailed needler designed by master craftsman Volpin, complete with lights and glowing needles. Tis a thing of supreme beauty… See the Official article on Building the Halo Needler here >> Check out Volpin Props Portfolio here >> Source: Thanks to Revanent1988 for the find, HBO (halo.bungie.org) Forums

Haiku for Wu and Get Champions Bundle

“We’ve got a bunch of Champions Bundle codes to give away, courtesy of 343… and we’re willing to trade them for good poetry. Well… poetry, anyway.” These are the words of Louis Wu over at the Halo.Bungie.Org Forums. Don’t have the smokin’ hot Champions Bundle with the new Halo 4 gametype, Ricochet, two new maps (including the makes-CHa0s-giggle The Pit…

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