Tag: screenshot

Halo 4 Campaign Theater Screenshots

We may not be able to go into Halo 4 campaign and take screenshots ourselves, but a few have using the Halo 4 Campaign Theater Mode mod, and some of the shots are beautiful. The following screenshots, clearly taken by a talented eye, are no longer available at Halo Waypoint: since the original Theater mod-maker has been banned it seems…

Screenshot of the Week: Honorable Mentions

Often when viewing images for Screenshot of the Week, I see several that are striking or that move me in some way, that catch my interest and show that the photo-taker has a talented eye, a “feel” for the thing. Sometimes there is a screenshot that screams louder to be chosen. Sometimes I pass them on to give another author…

Mace Windex Delights with Halo 4 3D Images

Do you remember the first time you saw the 3D illusion trick with your own eyes? When I was a kid, I saw this poster that claimed to be 3D if you looked at it right. People were standing there looking at it, and every once in awhile one of them would exclaim, “I see it! Wow!! Yeah, it’s a…

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