Watch Spartans fly through the air with the greatest of ease and pull off challenges considered impossible across Halo games, in what’s being called “the pinnacle of Halo tricking”. Jump tricks and glitches are included from Halo 3, ODST, and REACH.
Tag: jump tricks

Skyline Jump Tutorial
J2tehTon has found another handy jump short-cut, this time on Skyline. Watch how it’s done with instruction in this short video.

Halo 4 Parkour by J2tehTon
J2tehTon put out some helpful YouTube videos demonstrating basic trick jumps for Halo 4 shortly after the game released. Recently he released two “Halo 4 Parkour” videos, one for Skyline and one for Adrift, that have some surprising Thruster Pack jumps. See how he does it in the following videos. Halo 4 PARKOUR with J2tehTon [Adrift] Halo 4 PARKOUR with…

A Lethal Jump-tage: Fusion
WeAreTheSubjectShow presents “Crunch and Chewnez’s Halo 4 dual jumping matchmaking/killing thingy”, a montage highlighting impressive trick jumps used to obtain kills in matchmaking. Be amazed.

Aeronautical: Halo Reach Launch-‘Tage
I’m not sure what’s going on here, but these guys are super-bouncing in Halo:REACH campaign. The music is great, the launches bring me back to days of old, super-bouncing in Halo 2, you can’t beat that. IamTOOLBOX presents, Tricking Prodigy provides. Aeronautical – A Halo Reach Launching Montage – By Tricking Prodigy

SILVER – A Halo 4 Trick Jumping Video
Nice Halo 4 trick jumping vid, definitely watch it in HD. They even get the Mantis airborn! Source: HBO

Tricks, Jumps and Glitches by Halo Bible (Halo CEA)
Who doesn’t miss superbounce? These guys take it quite a bit further in this uber-cool submission to JumprsOfficial of jumps, tricks and glitches from Halo CEA. Looks like these guys are having fun!